"Transforming the world through education."

Espiritualidade das Irmãs Escolares de Nossa Senhora

A espiritualidade das IENS se fundamenta na eucaristia cujo sentido é a unidade de todos com Deus e a unidade entre nós que se expressa no amor gratuito, na simplicidade do seguimento radical de Jesus Cristo, tendo sempre presente as palvras de Maria, mãe de nossa congregação: “Fazei o que Ele vos disser.”

Here you will find various resources on the spirituality of the Sisters, writings by the foundress, as well as prayers that can help all the people who seek to unite themselves to this charism and mission.

In this space dedicated to spirituality, we offer a variety of resources that reflect the essence and values of the Sisters. Here, you will find a careful selection of inspiring writings by our foundress, which not only shed light on the spiritual journey she undertook, but also serve as a guide for all those who wish to follow a similar path.

In addition, we have made available a series of carefully chosen prayers that aim to support and enrich the spiritual life of individuals and communities. These prayers are especially aimed at those who wish to connect more deeply with the charism and mission that unite us as a spiritual family.