"Transforming the world through education."

Lay Associates of the Congregation

Associates are lay people committed to the values and charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Since the foundation of the Congregation, Mother Teresa de Jesus Gerhardinger has sought the support of people committed to the Word of Jesus. The Associates act on a voluntary basis, taking on positive practices based on unity and diversity, as well as investing in caring for life, for an integral ecology.

Christian women and men, called to live the values of the Gospel in the spirit and vision of Blessed Maria Teresa de Jesus Gerhardinger, foundress of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, within their own vocation.

People who:

  •  - are inspired by the charism and spirituality of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and are interested in learning more about the identity of the School Sisters of Notre Dame,
  • - want to embrace the lifestyle Shalom,
  • - have the desire to share with the School Sisters of Notre Dame about faith, service, prayer, scripture and spiritual growth.

Motivated by the charism and spirituality of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Associate Members feel challenged to collaborate in the mission of the Kingdom of God, sharing their gifts in the transformation of the world.

Associates enter into a special relationship with our congregation, rooted in the spirit and vision of Blessed Maria Teresa de Jesus Gerhardinger.

Together, sisters and associates will strive to bring everyone to unity in God, to empower others to reach their full potential and to be transformed and transform our world. The committed relationship between the associate and the Province reflects unity and diversity to promote Christ's mission in the spirit of Blessed Maria Teresa of Jesus Gerhardinger.

Members make a public commitment. It is their responsibility to participate in the monthly meetings and in the development of the actions planned by the group, as apostolic tasks that have been assumed in dialogue with the members and their coordination and that are in line with the spirituality and charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

The associate promises to live the charism of the IENS through:

  • - deepening their prayer life,
  • - participating in appropriate congregational activities,
  • - striving to live the spirit of the Gospel and extending that spirit to the service of God's people.

If you are interested in becoming an Associate, you can start by communicating your interest to a sister or an Associate, or by filling out the following form the formYou will be contacted by the sister in charge. This information will only be used for the purpose of contacting you with further information.

After initial contact, you will receive feedback by letter or e-mail. This will include the names of those coordinating the membership meetings in your geographical area/country and an explanation of the registration and preparation process.

Contacts for Members in the Province

Puerto Rico - Sr. Bernardine Fontánez
Peru - Sr. Beyssa Rojas
Paraguay - Sr. Leeta Hammack
Argentina - Brazil and Honduras - Sr. Veroni de Medeiros

Fill in the form below to find out more about our Associates program.